February 14, 2020

9. What Is Our Life?

Although every person is different from other people and even more so from other beings, we are all built from the same building blocks. We consist of the same atoms and are subject to the same physical-chemical laws as the inorganic nature. No single element, protein or enzyme is alive. It is always the whole system, the community, the organism that lives. Life does not arise from an accumulation of matter; life arises from an organization. Life comes from information and information exchange. We are a huge communication network, a gigantic information processing structure.  The human organization consists of about 70 trillion individuals called cells. In order to sustain life, these must be precisely coordinated. How do all these cells communicate with each other?

As the German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp discovered, the direct communication between individual cells and cell assemblies takes place via tiny light particles of low intensity, the biologically created photons. These are stored and emitted by all living beings. The intensity of this radiation is a measure of the state of health of the living being. The existence of biologically created photons is now undisputed. Photons are the carriers of the electromagnetic force that control all chemical and biochemical processes of a living being. All phenomena in our everyday life (except gravity) are based on electromagnetic interactions and thus ultimately on the effect of photons, i.e. light and information. All matter in the universe constantly exchanges light and information with each other, including our cells, including our bodies. We are light stores, we are information. The emissions of the biologically created photons can be measured. The stronger the emissions, the more communication takes place between the cells and the healthier the organism. The ultimate cause of all diseases is, therefore, nothing more than a communication disorder within an organism. If a cell compound can no longer coordinate itself sufficiently, malfunctions are inevitable. 

All communication, all information processing, are ultimately consciousness processes. Human beings, like everything else, are also a consciousness process. But this process is very complex and takes place at a high level of consciousness. This complex process is dependent on all other processes, at all levels. For example, processes on the biological, chemical or physical level. Like any other IPO, we humans transform potential information into classic information. In other words, we transform potential opportunities into realities. In doing so, we stride through time and transform the future into the past. With our birth, we enter a probability space, a potential pot. This varies in size depending on our physical and genetic make-up and the environment into which we are born. It is full of possibilities (our future) but still quite empty of facts (our past). Our non-knowledge is great and our knowledge is small. In the course of our lives, we pass through this space and constantly decide where to direct our steps. With every step we transform one of the many possibilities into a fact, transforming non-knowledge into knowledge. We have thus transformed a piece of our future into a part of our past. With every decision we make in the course of our lives (and we decide constantly, at every moment, sometimes consciously, mostly unconsciously), we determine our further path through our space of probability and thus our future potential is reduced each time until it is exhausted at some point. At the end of our lives, the one path has been taken that has written a story that we call our life. It's burned in, it's just history. All the future has changed into the past. Without existing potential, our IPO no longer receives input and stops working.

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