February 14, 2020

10. What Is Death?

The matter is an information store consisting of countless small light stores. In the end, the matter is only a coagulated light. The matter is only an aggregate state of light. It is not characterized by its components such as atoms and molecules, but by the interaction of these particles, i.e. by the exchange of information. For example, water and ice are made up of exactly the same atoms and molecules, yet they are very different. It is not the atomic particles, it is the vibrational state, the energy level, of these particles that makes the two different. Even a dead horse (a freshly deceased, not a decayed one) and a living horse consist of the same atoms and molecules. If, for example, in the brain of a living being some of its building blocks are exchanged, for example, electrons or protons with electrons or protons of a grain of sand, the state of the living being after the exchange is not only indistinguishable from the previous state, but it is exactly the same. The individuality of a living being cannot be traced back to its material components, but to the processes that organize these components. The difference between living and non-living systems lies not in their atomic building blocks, their complexity, but in their information processing. The death of a living being is not the disappearance of matter, but the termination of communication and processes. Sub-processes stop working until the whole process comes to a standstill due to missing input information.

All life is an information processing process, an IPO. Through our perceptual apparatus, we receive information and process it by converting possibilities into facts. From our future, we generate our past in our present. If we do not receive and process any information, we do not generate any facts, no more past. The process stands still. Death is the state of the stagnant IPO, is the spacelessness and timelessness. Death is the primordial state from which everything has arisen. Death is nothingness and death is everything. Death is the potentiality from which we come and to which we return.

Waking - sleeping - death are only three states of our subjective consciousness. With our death, subjective consciousness becomes pure consciousness. Our ego, all that we think we are in this world, disappears. There is no more individual experience. Just as we wake up from sleep and return to another state of consciousness, death is only an awakening that brings us back to our original state of consciousness. From the point of view of this state, our life is as unreal as the dream for the waking state. Dying is awakening from life. Our ego is only the vehicle with which we make our way through life. Our problem is that we identify with the vehicle, with matter, and with form, and not with the driver, the self, the consciousness.

Death is not the end of life, death is only a process in life. Death and life are one. One cannot exist without the other. They are only different states of the one consciousness. Birth and death are not beginning and endpoints, but transitional phases in the continuous existence of consciousness. Life itself is eternal, but not the material existence as it appears.

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