February 14, 2020

6. IPO

In this article we finally come to the solution of the question: How does something emerge from nothing? How does consciousness create reality from potentiality?

Before we now digress into a religious, philosophical or even esoteric direction, let us try to summarize the previous contributions on a neutral, factual level as possible.

The source is pure consciousness, which is potentiality. The subjective consciousness is an inner instance of pure consciousness. It creates our reality, everything around us. From the dimensionless potentiality, space and time emerge, our universe, our world, emerges. Potential information, possibilities, is transformed into classical information, facts. Information is processed.

Classical information is created from potential information. Classical information is the common basis of energy and matter. Energy and matter are quasi condensed information. Classical information, energy and matter are equivalent. They form an inseparable unit. Everywhere and at any time information, energy or matter is transformed, transported or stored. There is no place and no moment where this does not happen and there is no place and no moment where anything else happens. This event is called a process. According to the German Industry Standard DIN IEC 60050-351 a process is defined as

"The totality of interacting operations in a system by which matter, energy or information is transformed, transported or stored".

We see, hear, feel and deal almost exclusively with things. We separate these things from each other and believe that they are independent of each other. We cannot recognize the wholeness because we see ourselves as such a small, detached thing. But every thing, from the smallest particle to us humans to the big universe, is only one sequence of processes, is only one process consisting of many sub-processes. Not things, not matter, are elementary, but processes create things. The matter is basically nothing solid, but rather something like energy vortices, driven by processes. Each process is linked to other processes and is part of a higher-level process. Just as all the waves of the sea are interconnected and are part of the one sea. We cannot understand things if we do not understand the processes that take place in and between things.

Each process consists of three sections, which describe the sequence of processing. First of all, the raw material is needed, the input into the process. This is followed by the processing of this input, which finally leads to a result, an output. This results in the abbreviation: IPO. IPO stands for input-processing-output and is generally valid for everything that happens around us. Let's take processing at the levels of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, no matter at what level, no matter what we do: Everything's IPO.

In further contributions to this blog, we will talk about the IPO or the consciousness process. Through the IPO, by subjective consciousness potential information (input) is transformed (processed) into classical information (output). Thus, reality arises from virtuality, the universe from nothingness, knowledge from not-knowing. However, knowledge only makes sense if it does not immediately evaporate but can be stored.

Energy and matter are necessary as data carriers in order to record the results of this process, the classical information, and thus create something like memories and continuity. Time results from the storage capacity of matter. Without the storage of information, there would be neither memory nor continuity and thus no time. From the dimensionless potentiality, space is created by classical information, energy and matter and time is created by information processing.

All processes influence each other. Each process requires input data, processes it and thereby generates an output, which in turn serves as input for another process. We can consider the inputs as stimuli and the outputs as reactions. We react to stimuli from our environment and our reactions evoke reactions in our environment, which act on us as new stimuli and so on. But every stimulus, every perception, is information that we receive and every reaction is information that we send out. We can call the received information, the input, also cause and the sent-out information, the output, corresponds to an effect. One cause leads to an effect, which in turn is the cause for the next effect. IPO is karma, the law of cause and effect. Our existence today is the result of a long chain of causes and effects and our future is the effect of the causes we create today. When we inflict suffering on another being, that suffering is the perception, the input, into another process. The output of this process will again be suffering. If a lot of suffering is created in this way, it is likely that this suffering will, in turn, come in some form as input to our process or that of our children, partners, relatives or friends. We believe that if we destroy things that are separate from us, as long as we do nothing illegal, we have nothing to fear. But this is an illusion. Because in doing so we overlook an important detail: There are no things, there are only processes. Everything's IPO. Things are only the manifestations in which processes work. If our expenditure, our work, generates suffering, this will eventually come back to us as the cause of our suffering. If we want to reduce suffering, including our suffering, we must stop creating suffering.

The three stages of the IPO are not accidentally. It is the Trinity: the input stands for the Father or potentiality, the processing for the (holy) spirit and the output for the creation or the incarnate Son. IPO is the process of creation. The creation was not a one-off act. Creation takes place in every moment. New classical information is generated at every moment. This is how the universe expands. The size of the universe is the measure of the generated classical information, the reality. Everything's IPO. IPO is the Trinity, is the working God. 

We call the Trinity experienced by us time. The input, the potentiality, is the future. The output, the reality, is the past. The tiny moment in which potentiality becomes reality, in which we turn the future into past, is the present.  

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