February 14, 2020

3. Pure Consciousness

"Nothing comes from nothing" is a saying that I often heard in my childhood. Since there is  definitely something there now, e.g. something writing or reading this text, this something cannot have come from nothing. So, there must be something there from which the something has been created. But also this something, from which the something has arisen, must have arisen from something, and so on. Is there a beginning without a beginning? A beginning from which everything has come into being and what is this beginning?

If such a thing exists, then it must have always been there, there can be no before it. It's eternity. If everything has been created from it, it must encompass everything. It's infinity. When we speak of infinite or eternal, we often mean an unimaginably long distance or a very long time. But every distance, every space and every time is always finite. Infinity is spacelessness and eternity is timelessness. The beginning was before space and time. The beginning was dimensionless.

Something dimensionless has no extension, no weight, not even duration. Laotse, a philosopher who lived long before our time, called this primordial state the Tao, the Buddhists call it the void, the Hindus Brahman, the Christians call it God and physicists perhaps quantum field or zero-point field. We do not want to argue about names and terms here. We call this primordial state, the primordial ground, in this blog pure consciousness. Of course, if you want, you can give it any name you like.

Something dimensionless is information. The Information has no extension and you cannot weigh it. This primal ground, pure consciousness, is thus something like an infinite, timeless field of information. Information is derived from the Latin "in-formare“, which means "to bring into form", "to imagine something". This "imagining something" describes possibilities, potentiality. We, therefore, call the information about opportunities potential information. The potential information is infinite. Pure consciousness is, therefore, potential information, is potentiality.

The infinite potential information is all kinds of things. It's everything, but somehow it's also nothing. It is of little consequence. In terms of information technology, it can therefore also be described as non-knowledge. If we want to know something, we need something concrete, we need facts. We need to get something potential in form, in shape. We call these facts, what is brought into shape, classical information. Classical information is knowledge. All knowledge comes from potentiality, from not-knowing. All knowledge, however great it may be, is always just a tiny fraction of non-knowledge. The "brought into form" is only that in which the formless is expressed; knowledge is only that in which non-knowledge is expressed. Everything that exists is only the expression of nothingness, of potentiality.

Each expression, each section, each knowledge, is finite, is different in size. If we look at these sections of not-knowing, then we start with the smallest section, without anything concrete, without facts, i.e. the nothing, and end at the largest section, the all-embracing, the all-knowing, the omniscience. The Nothing and the All are only different sections (the smallest and the largest) of the one, pure consciousness. All sections, from the smallest to the largest, are also referred to here as states of consciousness or levels of consciousness. The only difference between these levels is the information content, the amount of information. The lowest level, the nothingness, is death and the highest level, the omniscience is conscious death. In between lies a multitude of states, some familiar to us, such as being awake, asleep or deep sleep.

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