February 14, 2020

1. A New Consciousness

It makes me sad every time I read, hear or see news in the media. By far the largest part of all news can be easily sorted into one of only three categories:

  • stupidity
  • hate
  • violence
No matter whether religious or unbelieving, smoker or non-smoker, meat-eater or vegan and, and, and, and ... Everyone raises his opinion to an ideology, to a dogma, which has to be defended. Followers of their own ideology are good and are always right, all others are evil and are always wrong. They must, therefore, be excluded, converted, re-educated, fought against or, in extreme cases, destroyed. We live in a dictatorship - a dictatorship of our mind, our consciousness. This dictatorship has controlled humanity since the beginning and has led to violence, torture, war, and bloodshed at all times. Everything that happens around us is a consequence of this dictatorship of consciousness. Because our consciousness creates our reality. If we want to survive in our modern world with its weapons of mass destruction, genetic engineering, robots, artificial intelligence, and all other modern achievements, impending environmental and climate catastrophes, we need a new morality, a new awareness, a higher level of consciousness. We still live with a version of consciousness thousands of years old that no longer meets today's requirements. It creates chaos, destroys our environment, is directed more and more against ourselves, our children and our children's children. Our consciousness urgently needs an update. But it is not new technologies, new laws or prohibitions, new theories or ideologies that are leading us there. The further development of our consciousness cannot take place on a material level, cannot take place in our outer world. It must be achieved through our mind, through our consciousness itself, it must take place in our inner world. Without a profound change in our consciousness, our world will not change either.

But what is consciousness? How do we develop it in the right direction? How do we reach higher levels of consciousness? And finally: What do we get out of it personally?

I would like to answer these questions in this blog. It shows a method, a way, to a higher level of consciousness. This path is not difficult, it is independent of our knowledge. We need not belong to any particular profession, religion, political party or ideology. We do not have to register anywhere, and it does not cost us any money. Sounds suspicious? And justifiably so! Because this path has one big, one very big disadvantage: we have to go it ourselves!

That's hard. We are used to getting an answer to everything, from doctors, scientists, teachers and professors, politicians, TV stars and for the not so profane things from priests, shamans or gurus. There are pills, seminars or other things for everything, you just have to have enough money to afford them. We scold the scientists, priests, and politicians. But here it is not enough to point the finger at others. It's up to us, to every one of us. Freedom and happiness never come in from the outside, they always come out from within.

Nobody can breathe for us, nobody can think for us, nobody can eat for us, nobody can live for us, nobody can go our way. We have to do it ourselves. The clarity within us cannot be given or forced upon us, nor can anyone take it from us. It was and always is there. But we usually do not recognize them because we are looking in the wrong direction.

That's why there are no unrestricted answers in this blog, it should lead you to your own answers, to your own insight.

"It's not about stuffing what's in my head into yours. It is about remembering you to your own knowledge"
(Anthony Paul Moo-Young, Advaita teacher)

This blog wants to help you expand your consciousness, overcome your self-imposed limits and develop your full potential.

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