With the last contribution, the theory ends. If we want to go on, this can only be done through practice. But maybe this theory is just nonsense, just big bullshit. One could argue that it is completely unscientific, and the religions also tell a different story.
Let us first consider the objection of unscientific. Science can only investigate where forces can be measured. Since these forces always arise at masses, they are limited to matter. The scientific view looks at the external, the material world. This matter known to us, i.e. everything we see in the huge universe, all atoms in our bodies and our environment, all dust, all planets and all suns in and outside our galaxy, makes up just about 5 percent of our universe. We know nothing or practically nothing about the rest, by far the largest part (about 95 percent). About 25 percent of the energy and matter in the known universe consists of something physicists call "dark matter". We know that they exist and how many of them there are approximately, but we do not know what it is. However, more than two thirds, or about 70 percent, still remain in the universe, which is neither normal nor dark matter. Physicists call this almost completely mysterious part "dark energy". It has the largest share in our universe, but we do not know what it is. So, science still has a long way to go.
The most accurate description of our world that we have today is quantum theory. Not a single experiment has ever contradicted quantum theory, and nowhere in our nature is a field in which quantum theory provides false predictions. Let us look at some statements from the founders of this theory:
"There is no matter, but only a web of energies that have been given form by an intelligent spirit. This spirit is the basis of all matter."
(Max Planck, physicist, Nobel Prize 1918)
"Reality is created by observation"
(Nils Bohr, physicist, Nobel Prize 1922)
"The reality we can speak of is never a reality in itself, but [...] a reality created by us."
(Werner Heisenberg, physicist, Nobel Prize 1932)
"My personal view is that in a future science reality will be neither 'mental' nor 'physical', but somehow both and somehow neither.
(Wolfgang Pauli, physicist, Nobel Prize 1945)
"Consciousness, by its nature, exists only in the singular. I would like to say: the total number of all 'consciousnesses' is always just 'one'.
(Erwin Schrödinger, physicist, Nobel Prize 1933)
"Light is energy and also information - content, form, and structure. It is the potential for everything."
(David Bohm, physicist)
The citation sources can be found on the Internet, as can many other statements by famous physicists and Nobel Prize winners in this field.
Let us now turn to the religious objection. Religions are based on very old writings. Their parables and descriptions are adapted to the world view, culture and spiritual horizon of the time. They were often misunderstood, distorted and misinterpreted. If one delves deeper into the original teachings, one often recognizes many similarities, which were often only expressed by different names and terms. With the names, it is like with the identifiers in mathematics. You can use completely arbitrary characters for a variable, the result does not change by choosing the character. So also in this blog every reader can use his own terms for the terms I use, at any time.
It is my concern to keep the theory presented by me as compatible as possible with science and religion and to use as neutral terms as possible. Is this theory now true? Certainly not. It's just my interpretation of the truth. I cannot and will not convince you. I don't want you to believe me, I want you to experience it for yourself. Only what you experience yourself can convince you. Only your own light can show you your path. Like a running coach, I can prepare you for a kind of inner marathon, give you advice and tips. But I can't carry you to the finish line. You must make your own way. The description of such a path, the way inwards, will be given in the next articles.
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