August 12, 2019

Reality and Truth


"There are no facts, only interpretations."
 (Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher) 

What is real, and what is an illusion? And if it is real, is it true?

For the natural sciences, the reality is that which is accessible to scientific observation and research. However, it can only investigate where forces can be measured. Since these forces always arise in masses, it is limited to matter. Only the atoms are allowed to claim the status of reality, and everything that exists must be derived from it. For us, the reality is simply the world in which we live, and since we all live in the same world, we all experience the same reality. Don't we?

How is reality created? Does a god create it, or does it arise from the laws of nature? Reality is created through a process, and that process is us. We, more precisely, our consciousness, creates our reality. Like any process, this process consists of an input, processing, and an output section. As in every process, information, energy, and matter are transformed, transported, or stored. In our environment, our world, there are only elementary particles and forces, only vibrations. They form the potential of possible input values for our process. The majority of these possible input values lie outside our perceptive faculty and therefore, cannot be grasped by our senses. This applies not only to colors, sounds and smells but also to thoughts and sensations. Every human being, indeed, every living being receives an individual frequency or information spectrum and can only process it. Anything beyond this, we can neither see nor hear, neither think nor feel. Through this process, we create our real conditions out of our potential possibilities. Our brain did not develop in order to see the world as it is, but to be able to cope with it as well as possible.

We do not recognize the environment directly, but only the effects caused by the things in our consciousness. Our consciousness filters and processes these input values. This processing is influenced by our education, culture, knowledge, previous experiences, fears, and wishes. The outputs or results of the process are the manageable everyday experiences that we call reality. In beings of the same kind, i.e., about two people, the results will be similar, because the sensory organs, the brain, and the working process are constructed in the same way, but not exactly the same. With different beings, e.g., humans and dogs, the results will differ more. But even with the equal creatures, the results will always differ more or less. They are never exactly the same, depending on the differences in the components and their communication with each other. Everyone lives in his own reality, and everyone considers his reality of being the truth. But the reality is not the truth. There is no objective reality. Every reality is only the subjective interpretation of the one truth. The question is not what is real and what is an illusion, because reality is the illusion.

“It is in the brain that the poppy is red, that the apple is odorous, that the skylark sings.”
(Oscar Wilde)

Our biggest problem is: We confuse our reality with the truth. But the reality is only our interpretation of the truth. Since we regard our interpretation as the only correct one, as fact, all other arguments are wrong or at least not completely correct. No matter whether religious or non-believing, smoker or non-smoker, meat-eater or vegan and, and, and. Everyone raises his interpretation to an ideology, to a dogma, which has to be defended. Followers of their own interpretation are good and are always right; all others are evil and are always wrong. Therefore, they must be excluded, converted, re-educated, fought against, or, in extreme cases, destroyed. We live in a dictatorship - a dictatorship of our mind, our consciousness. This dictatorship has controlled humanity since the beginning and has led to violence, torture, war, and bloodshed. Everything that happens around us is a consequence of this dictatorship of consciousness. For our consciousness creates our reality. It creates our reality because we can only live in reality. We cannot abolish reality, but we can recognize its true nature. We can let reality rule us or learn to rule it.

If we want to overcome this dictatorship, if we really want to become free, we must expand our consciousness and overcome the limits of our present reality. When we expand our consciousness, we extend our receivable information spectrum. We grow our processing possibilities and with it also the output, our reality. This also includes our matter, our body. We change our body on a cellular level via metabolism and the hormonal system; we change the nerve cells' physical and physiological structure. In this way, we directly influence the nature of our future perceptions. We change our reality until we finally recognize it for what it is: our interpretation of the truth. Just one of the infinite number of possibilities. None of them is true and none of them is not true.True and untrue, right and wrong, only exist in reality. The truth lies outside of any reality. If we overcome the boundaries of reality, we stop interpreting the truth and experience what we really are.

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